RRB NTPC Exam Date Out: RRB Phase 1
RRB NTPC notification was released in February 2020 and the exam was scheduled to hold in September 2020, which gets delayed due to some administrative reasons. Around 1.26 crore students were waiting for the exam since then. There is good news from the RRB, the exam is going to be conducted this year from 28th December 2020 to 13 January 2021 for the 1st phase. In this phase, the exam will be conducted for 23 lakhs candidates only. RRB has released the city intimation, exam date, travel pass for SC/ST candidates.

The 1st Stage CBT will be held in multiple phases in order to ensure adherence to all the Covid-19 guidelines for the large number of eligible candidates (approx. 1.25 crores). Accordingly the first phase of the Exam is scheduled for 23 lakh candidates approx. to be held from 28.12.2020 to 13.01.2021 in various cities all over the country. The remaining eligible candidates will be scheduled in subsequent phases and will be intimated accordingly.
RRB Phase 2

The 1st Stage CBT will be held in multiple phases in order to ensure adherence to all the Covid-19 guidelines for the large number of eligible candidates (approx. 1.25 crores). Accordingly the Second phase of the Exam is scheduled for 27 lakh candidates approx. to be held from 16.01.2021 to 30.01.2021 in various cities all over the country. The remaining eligible candidates will be scheduled in subsequent phases and will be intimated accordingly.
RRB Phase 3

RRB Phase 4
RRB NTPC 2021: Railway Recruitment Board has released the exam dates & admit card for the CBT-1 exam of NTPC 2021 in a phased manner. There is good news from the RRB, the exam is taking place from December 28, 2020, to March 2021. The 3rd phase of the Computer Based Test (CBT-1) is taking place from January 31, 2021, to February 12, 2021, for approx 28 lakh candidates. The fourth phase exam dates are also out. The phase 1 exam was held from 13 January 2021 for phase 1, while the second phase exam of the CBT 1 was held from January 16 to 30 2021, and for the phase 3, the exam is taking place from January 31 to February 12, 2021.

RRB Phase 5
RRB NTPC 2021: Railway Recruitment Board has released the exam dates & admit card for the CBT-1 exam of NTPC 2021 in a phased manner. There is good news from the RRB, the exam is taking place from December 28, 2020, to March 2021. The 5th phase of the Computer Based Test (CBT-1) is taking place from March 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, and 27th for approx. 19 lakh candidates.. The Fifth phase exam dates are also out. The phase 1 exam was held from 13 January 2021 for phase 1, while the second phase exam of the CBT 1 was held from January 16 to 30 2021, for phase 3, the exam is taking place from January 31 to February 12, 2021 and for phase 4, the exam is taking place from February 2021.

RRB NTPC Admit Card for CBT 1
The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has activated the link to view RRB NTPC city intimation and exam dates for phase-3 of the CBT 1 exam on 22nd January 2021, for 28 lakhs people out of 1.26 crore students to fill 35,208 vacancies. Downloading of E-Call letters will start 4 days prior to the exam date as mentioned in Exam City and date intimation link. The candidates who have applied for RRB NTPC 2021 can download the region-wise RRB NTPC admit card from the given link below. The candidates can download their hall tickets by filling in their registration number and password on the login page. Check the exam centre, the timing of the exam, and other details before the exam carefully. The candidates are advised to stay tuned with us for every latest update regarding RRB NTPC 2021.
For the Candidates who are scheduled in a particular phase:
2.1. The LINK for viewing the Exam City & Date and downloading of Travelling Authority for SC/ST candidates will be made available on all RRB websites 10 days prior to start of their exam.
2.2. Downloading of E-Call letters will start 4 days prior to exam date mentioned in Exam City and date intimation link.
Information to the Candidate who is not scheduled in a Phase:
On accessing the LINK for viewing the Exam City & Date, a message will be displayed “Dear Candidate, You are not scheduled in the present phase. Please wait for the intimation from RRBs”.
Forgot Application Registration Number link will be made available on all the RRB official websites to assist candidates (who forgot their Application Registration Number) in retrieving their Application registration number.
Exam Date and City Direct Link | Click Here |
Forgot Registration For Link | Click Here |
Official Website | Click Here |