NSD Recruitment 2020 – Apply Online For 26 Librarian, Director, UDC Vacancies

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NSD Recruitment 2020: National School of Drama (NSD) is officially out of the recruitment notification for 26 candidates to fill their Librarian, Director, UDC jobs in All over New Delhi. The aspirants who are looking for the Central Govt job can utilize this wonderful opportunity. Also, the Online Application for the NSD Recruitment 2020 will start on 18th October 2020. Interested aspirants should apply for the post before 6th November 2020 for National School of Drama (NSD) Latest vacancies. Furthermore, to know more information about National School of Drama (NSD) Careers, aspirants can refer below all the details. Therefore, All the eligibility criteria like age limit, qualification, exam date, admit card, and application fee for the NSD Recruitment 2020 are given below.

National School of Drama (NSD) Latest Job Notification Details

NSD Recruitment 2020 Latest Notification Details
Organization NameNational School of Drama (NSD)
Job TypeCentral Govt
Recruitment TypeDirect Recruitment
Advt NoN/A
Post NameLibrarian, Director, UDC
Total Vacancy26
Job LocationAll Over New Delhi
SalaryRs.18,000 -1,77,500
Apply ModeOnline
Application Start18th October 2020
Last date for submission of application6th November 2020
Official websitehttps://recruitment.nsd.gov.in/

NSD Recruitment 2020 Vacancy Details

National School of Drama (NSD) has released the following vacancy details with their recent recruitment notification 2020. They invite 26 Candidates to fill their vacancies. You can check their job vacancy details below.

SI NoName of PostNo. of Post
2.Assistant Director (Official Language)01
3.P. S. To director01
4.Sound Technician01
5.Upper Division Clerk02
6.Reception Incharge01
7.Assistant Photographer01
8.Percusionist Grade III01
9.Carpenter Grade II01
10.Electrician GR I01
11.Master Tailor01
12.Lower Division Clerk01
13.Multi Tasking Staff13
SI NoName of PostPay scale
1.LibrarianLevel – 10 (Rs. 56100 – 177500)
2.Assistant Director (Official Language)Level – 10 (Rs. 56100 – 177500)
3.P. S. To directorLevel – 7 (Rs. 44900 – 142400)
4.Sound TechnicianLevel – 7 (Rs. 44900 – 142400)
5.Upper Division ClerkLevel – 4 (Rs. 25500 – 81100)
6.Reception InchargeLevel – 4 (Rs. 25500 – 81100)
7.Assistant PhotographerLevel – 4 (Rs. 25500 – 81100)
8.Percusionist Grade IIILevel – 4 (Rs. 25500 – 81100)
9.Carpenter Grade IILevel – 4 (Rs. 25500 – 81100)
10.Electrician GR ILevel – 4 (Rs. 25500 – 81100)
11.Master TailorLevel – 4 (Rs. 25500 – 81100)
12.Lower Division ClerkLevel – 2 (Rs. 19900 – 63200)
13.MTSLevel – 1 (Rs. 18000 – 56900)

NSD Recruitment 2020 Age Limit

To apply for the National School of Drama (NSD) job, the candidates required to attain the following age limit. The notified aged candidates only can able to apply for the job vacancy. Check the age limit details below.

SI NoName of PostAge Limit
1.Librarian40 Years
2.Assistant Director (Official Language)35 Years
3.P. S. To director35 Years
4.Sound Technician35 Years
5.Upper Division Clerk30 Years
6.Reception Incharge28 Years
7.Assistant Photographer30 Years
8.Percusionist Grade III30 Years
9.Carpenter Grade II30 Years
10.Electrician GR I30 Years
11.Master Tailor18-28 Years
12.Lower Division Clerk18-28 Years

NSD Recruitment 2020 Educational Qualification

Candidates are requested to check their education qualification required for various National School of Drama (NSD) job opportunities. Aspirants are requested to go through the latest NSD Recruitment 2020 entirely, before applying to this job. You can check National School of Drama (NSD) job Qualification details below

SI NoName of PostQualification
1.Librarian1. IInd Class Master’s Degree of a recognized University in Library and Information Science;
2. At least 5 years experience in any established Library or Government financed Autonomous organization Library.
3. Good knowledge of Computer Application.
2.Assistant Director (Official Language)Master’s Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in Hindi with English as a subject at the degree level. OR Master’s degree of a recognized University or equivalent in English with Hindi as a subject at the degree level. OR Master’s degree of a recognized University or equivalent in any subject with Hindi and English as subject at the degree level. OR Master’s degree of a recognized university or equivalent in any subject with Hindi medium and English as a subject at the degree level.
3.P. S. To director1. Degree from recognized University.
2. Speed in Shorthand (English) 120 wpm & typing speed (English) 50 wpm.
3. Experience as Sr. Stenographer/Stenographer/PA or equivalent in Level-6 of Pay Matrix for at least five years in Central Govt./Autonomous Bodies or equivalent in Central Govt./State Govt. OR Central / State Autonomous Bodies.
4. Knowledge of Computer Operation.
5. Experience in secretarial practice including noting / drafting, handling of routine correspondence, handling appointments / engagements / arranging meetings, liaison and coordination works, preparing minutes of meetings, etc.
4.Sound TechnicianDegree / Diploma in Sound Technology from a recognized institute or equivalent with five years experience in Live Sound Production / Theatre Production and preferably in Studio Recording (Multi Track Digital). OR Graduate of National School of Drama with Degree / Diploma Course in Sound Technology from a recognized Institute and with five years experience in Live Sound Production / Theatre Production and preferably in Studio Recording (Multi Track Digital).
5.Upper Division Clerk1. Graduates of a recognized University. 2. 5 years experience as L. D. C. in Pay Level – 2 of Pay Matrix regarding work in a Government financed autonomous body or a Government organization or an educational institute of repute.
6.Reception Incharge1. Graduate from a recognized University.
2. Certificate of Training of operating the PBX or PABX Board.
3. Three years experience in the line.
7.Assistant Photographer1. Senior Secondary (10+2) or equivalent examination pass from a recognized Board/ University.
2. Diploma in Photography from a recognized institution.
3. Five years experience of digital photography and digital photo-editing.
8.Percussionist Grade III1. Proficiency in playing the instruments.
2. Background knowledge and three years experience of playing for theatrical purposes like operas, dance, drama, song–ensembles and musicals.
9.Carpenter Grade II1. Diploma in Carpentry / Woodcraft from ITI.
2. About 3 years experience of set construction, model, furniture and property making in an organization of repute preferably in the theatre field.
10.Electrician GR I1. 10th Pass 2. Must possess a wireman’s License from the competent authority OR ITI in Electrical Trade.
3. Five years experience as an Electrician in a theatre / studio or an industrial undertaking of repute.
11.Master Tailor1. Diploma in Tailoring from CTI and ITI.
2. Five years experience of cutting and stitching, preferably of theatre costumes according to design.
12.Lower Division Clerk1. Senior Secondary (10+2) pass or equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
2. Typing speed of at least 35 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi on Computers.
13.MTS10th or equivalent examination pass

NSD Recruitment 2020 Application Fee Details

To apply for the 26 Librarian, Director, UDC job in National School of Drama (NSD), the candidates requested to pay the application fees by notified mode. Payment is to be paid online through credit card/debit card/ net banking. Application fee paid by the candidates who have not submitted their application or whose application is rejected, will not be refunded. All application service charges shall be borne by candidates only.

  • Application fee of Rs. 200/- for UR and Rs. 100/- for OBC (Non Creamy Layer) is to be paid online through Net Banking, Credit or Debit Card.
  • Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Women and Persons with Disability eligible for reservation are exempted from paying application fee. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstance.

How To Apply For Latest NSD Recruitment 2020?

Interested and eligible candidates can apply Online for the NSD Recruitment 2020 notification from 18th October 2020. The last date to apply Online for NSD Recruitment 2020 until 6th November 2020. Check out the notification PDF below

Official NotificationClick Here
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