KMML Recruitment 2020 – Apply Offline For 51 Junior Operator Trainee & Others Vacancies

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KMML Recruitment 2020: Kerala Minerals and Metals LTD is officially out of the recruitment notification for 51 candidates to fill their Junior Operator Trainee & Others jobs in All over Kerala. The aspirants who are looking for the Kerala Govt job can utilize this wonderful opportunity. Also, the Offline Application for the KMML Recruitment 2020 will start on 31st October 2020. Interested aspirants should apply for the post before 19th November 2020 for Kerala Minerals and Metals LTD Latest vacancies. Furthermore, to know more information about Kerala Minerals and Metals LTD Careers, aspirants can refer below all the details. Therefore, All the eligibility criteria like age limit, qualification, exam date, admit card, and application fee for the KMML Recruitment 2020 are given below.

Kerala Minerals and Metals LTD Latest Job Notification Details

KMML Recruitment 2020 Latest Notification Details
Organization NameKerala Minerals and Metals LTD
Job TypeKerala Govt
Recruitment TypeDirect Recruitment
Advt NoN/A
Post NameJunior Operator Trainee & Others
Total Vacancy51
Job LocationAll Over Kerala
SalaryRs.21,580 -55,730
Apply ModeOffline
Application Start31st October 2020
Last date for submission of application19th November 2020
Official website

KMML Recruitment 2020 Vacancy Details

Kerala Minerals and Metals LTD has released the following vacancy details with their recent recruitment notification 2020. They invite 51 Candidates to fill their vacancies. You can check their job vacancy details below.

Post NameVacancy
Junior Operator Trainee 34 Posts
Junior Boiler cum Utility Operator Trainee2 Posts
Junior Technician Welder Trainee5 Posts
Junior Technician Fitter Trainee8 Posts
Junior Technician Machinist Trainee2 Posts

KMML Recruitment 2020 Age Limit

To apply for the Kerala Minerals and Metals LTD job, the candidates required to attain the following age limit. The notified aged candidates only can able to apply for the job vacancy. Check the age limit details below.

Age as on 01.01.2020:Not above 26 years, relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC as per Company rules
In addition to the above, 5 years age relaxation to SCs/STs and 3 years age relaxation to OBCs are allowed as per Rules. Preferential category candidates will be allowed age relaxation of 3 years as per Govt. orders. Ex-Servicemen will be allowed age relaxation equal to their service in the force subject to maximum of 50 Years on production of necessary documents.

KMML Recruitment 2020 Educational Qualification

Candidates are requested to check their education qualification required for various Kerala Minerals and Metals LTD job opportunities. Aspirants are requested to go through the latest KMML Recruitment 2020 entirely, before applying to this job. You can check Kerala Minerals and Metals LTD job Qualification details below

Post NameQualification
Junior Operator TraineeDiploma in Chemical Engineering with 60% Marks / Degree in Chemistry with 60% Marks
Junior Boiler cum Utility Operator TraineeDiploma in Mechanical Engg and 1st Class or 2nd Class Boiler Attendant Certificate of competency / SSLC with ITI in the trade of Fitter and 1st Class or 2nd Class Boiler Attendant Certificate of Proficiency.
Junior Technician Welder TraineeSSLC with ITI certificate in the trade of Welder
Junior Technician Fitter TraineeSSLC with ITI in the trade of Fitter
Junior Technician Machinist TraineeDiploma in Mechanical Engg/ SSLC with ITI in the trade of Machinist/Turner

KMML Recruitment 2020 Application Fee Details

To apply for the 51 Junior Operator Trainee & Others job in Kerala Minerals and Metals LTD, the candidates requested to pay the application fees by notified mode.

  • Application fee is Rs.300/- for General/OBC candidates. There is no fee for SC/ST candidates. Fee payment will have to be made in DD in the name of The Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited payable at Chavara. Applications submitted without fee shall not be considered.

How To Apply For Latest KMML Recruitment 2020?

Application in the format enclosed giving complete particulars regarding (i) name and address (ii) Age and Date of Birth (iii) Qualification indicating the class & the total % of marks obtained (iv) Details of previous training/ experience if any (v)Community certificate /and other relevant details in the prescribed format affixing the recent passport size photograph to reach ‘HEAD OF DEPARTMENT (P&A/L)’, The Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd, PB No.4, Sankaramangalam, Chavara, Kollam-691 583 on or before 19/11/2020 superscribing the envelope “Application for the post …………………………………………………………………………………”

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